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Postdoctoral Fellows

Multiple postdoctoral research associate positions are currently available in the Choudhary lab. Openings are for (1) a postdoctoral fellow with synthetic chemistry experience and interest in learning cell and molecular biology, and (2) a postdoctoral fellow with substantial expertise in molecular and cell biology. Interested candidates should submit their curriculum vitae, reprints of selected publications, three reference letters, and a cover letter summarizing their experience, long-term goals, and estimated start date directly to Amit Choudhary at or to the address below.W

Graduate students

Interested students should apply directly to Harvard’s Chemical Biology Program or to any of the 14 graduate programs within Harvard Integrated Life Sciences. Those admitted to these programs and interested in rotating with us, should email Amit ( with your CV.

Undergraduate students

MIT and Harvard undergraduates can work with us for credit. Please email Amit ( with your CV.


Amit Choudhary

Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Renal Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Chemical Biology and Therapeutics Science, Broad Institute

415 Main Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Phone: (617) 714-7445
Facsimile: (617) 715 8969

Erin Hickey

Lab Administrator